Haṃsa Free School of Hatha Yoga

Hatha B: Chakra Series

Hatha B: Chakra Series

March 4 - April 22, Tu 18.00-19.30
3-week Course
ONLINE + Recording


If you’re curious about a chakra-themed practice and already have some yoga experience, these Hatha B classes might be for you.

We will meet weekly for an intermediate Hatha Yoga practice that will include asana, pranayama, short meditations and inspirations for self-inquiry.

The first 8-week course will be centred on yoga for the Root Chakra (Muladhara), with a focus on practices that promote grounding, strength and stability, and help us cultivate a sense of safety and relaxation through the experience of solid foundations. You can expect lots of balancing and standing postures, a variety of seated explorations, extended static holding, many lunges, gajasanas and squats 🙂 but also long shavasanas and practices of deep relaxation.

Register here or write at: amanda@thisisyoga.org

Next course: Svadhisthana
Starting on May 6
8x Tuesdays, 18.00-19.30

Ignite Your Inner Fire

Ignite Your Inner Fire

February 10-28, Mo-Fr 12.00-13.00
3-week Intensive
ONLINE + Recording


This lunch-break intensive course will focus on practices that stimulate and balance Manipura Chakra, the seat of our inner fire. 
Connected with the power of digestion, and responsible for the production, distribution and management of energy throughout the body-mind, Manipura is also the center of focus, commitment and assertiveness, a powerful energetic rudder in the journey towards self-actualisation.

Each class will include:
– 45/50 minutes of fiery Hatha practice, including energising pranayamas, asanas for core awareness and strength, dynamic flows for stamina, bandhas and mudras, practices for digestive health, yoga for the eyes
– 10/15 minutes of integration through breathing, deep rest, meditation and visualisation


Register here.

Or write at: amanda@thisisyoga.org

Morning Pranayama and Sattvic Cleanse

Morning Pranayama and Sattvic Cleanse

March 10-28, Mo-Fr 9.00-10.00
3-week Intensive
ONLINE + Recording


This 3-week morning intensive will give you a strong experiential base to integrate the yogic art of breathing in your practice and experience its powerful effects in terms of enhanced vitality, physical well-being, emotional resilience, mental clarity, concentration, connection with the subconscious mind and expansion of consciousness.

The course includes 3 weeks of sattvic cleanse, optional and depending on experience (more info below).

Register here, or write at amanda@thisisyoga.org

Week 1
– Asanas for pranayama
– Breath awareness and basic pranayamas: abdominal, thoracic and clavicular breathing, full yogic breath
– Pranayamas to expand the capacity of the lungs
– Exercises to relax and strengthen the diaphragm
– Dynamic pranayamas, part 1
– Root lock (mula bandha) and throat lock (jalandhara bandha)

Week 2
– Dynamic pranayamas, part 2
– Energising pranayamas
– Diaphragm lock (uddyiana bandha)
Breath retention (kumbhaka): introduction

Week 3
– Pranayamas with kumbhaka and bandhas
– Pranayama in the asana practice
– Pranayamas for meditation

This intensive course is included in our 7-month Pranayama Teacher Training.


There is the option to join Amanda and other group members on a 3-week sattvic cleanse, which include the practice of shatkarmans (yogic cleansing techniques), good sleep hygiene, outdoor time, sattvic diet and fasting.

Sattva is in Samkhya philosophy one of the three qualities or tendencies of manifestation, translated as “pure”. Sattvic food is food that is life-giving, purifies one’s existence, gives strength, health, happiness, and empowers virtues such as ahimsa (non-violence) and daya (compassion). That means local and seasonal vegan food, a diet based on ripe fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts and seeds in reasonable quantities. No sugar, sweets or chocolate, salt, pepper, alcohol or fizzy drinks, no black or green tea, coffee, strong spices, garlic, onion, and of course no processed food of any kind.

A sattvic diet has a strong detoxifying effect but it means more than that. It challenges our consuming and eating patterns, develops mindful eating, compassion for other beings and the planet, and stimulates creativity!

Yogic cleansing practices, sattvic diet and fasting will be discussed in a dedicated appointment on Sunday, March 2 at 18.00-19.30.

An introductory text with all important guidelines will be sent upon registration.