Haṃsa Free School of Hatha Yoga

the school

Yoga TTC Detailed Program

The next TTC will start in February 2026.
For info and applications: amanda@thisisyoga.org


In this introductory module primary information and fundamental skills for correct practice will be explored.

1. Preparatory Exercises
PE Iliopsoas: Stretching
PE Increasing Mobility of the Back: Breathing
PE Increasing Mobility of the Lower Limbs: Upright
PE Increasing Mobility of the Pelvis: Supine
PE Neck: the 4 Fundamental Movements
PE Pelvic Circumductions
EP Quadriceps Femoris: Stretching
PE Shoulders: Circumductions
PE Shoulders: Rotations
PE Shoulders: Windmill
PE Spinal Roll 1
PE Spinal Roll 2
PE Stabilizing the Ankles
PE Torso: Rotations
PE Torso: Forward Bend
PE Torso: Lateral Flexions

2. Shatkarman, Bandha and Mudra
SBM Crow Gesture (Kaki Mudra)
SBM Gesture of Consciousness (Cin Mudra)
SBM Gesture of Consciousness of the Manifest (Cin Maya Mudra)
SBM Gesture of the Universal Principle (Adi Mudra)
SBM Mare Gesture (Ashvini Mudra)
SBM Root Lock (Mula Bandha)
SBM Salutation Gesture (Namaskar Mudra)
SBM Thunderbolt Gesture (Vajroli Mudra)

3. Asana
A All Fours
A Prone Position
A Side-lying Position
A Seated (general)
A Supine Position or Corpse Pose (Shava Asana)
A Child’s Pose/Grand Gesture of Prana (Bala Asana/Pranamaha Mudra Asana)
A Easy Pose (Sukha Asana)
A Elephant Pose (Gaja Asana)
A Elephant Pose, Dynamic (Gaja Asana)
A Half Circle Pose, Dynamic (Ardha Chandra Asana)
A Mountain Pose (Tada Asana)
A Mountain Pose, Dynamic (Tada Asana)
A Mountain Pose, Variation with Heels Together (Tada Asana)
A Squat (Mala Asana)
A Thunderbolt Pose (Vajra Asana)

4. Pranayama
P Abdominal Breathing (various positions)
P Thoracic Breathing (various positions)
P Clavicular Breathing (various positions)
P Full Yogic Breath
P Great Breathing (Maha Pranayama)
P Great Waves, with Partial and Full Retention
P Listening to the Breath
Exercises to sense, tone and render the diaphragm flexible.

5. Relaxation, meditation and visualizations
Introduction to deep relaxation, visualization, concentration and meditation.

6. Anatomy
Organization and regions of the human body, plans of movement and introduction to anatomical terminology.
The osteo-articular system.
The muscular system.

7. Philosophy
Introduction to Yoga philosophy: a brief historical overview.
Evolution of the meaning of the term ‘Yoga’ in the centuries of development of the various currents of Indian philosophy.

8. Chakra
Introduction to the Chakra system.
Basic notions of subtle anatomy and physiology.

9. Methodology, ethics, psychology, and pedagogy
Complete overview of the principles of the Pranayoga Method®.


1. Preparatory Exercises
PE Chair
PE Descending Drop
PE Feet: Toes-Heels Static
Massage of Foot and Ankle, awareness of the sole of the foot on the floor

2. Shatkarman, Bandha e Mudra
SBM Cheeks Gesture
SBM Cleansing of the Nose, with water and string (Jala Neti and Sutra Neti)
SBM Gesture of Solid Matter or Gesture of the Earth (Prithivi Mudra)
SBM Gesture of the Dance (Natya Mudra)
SBM Tongue Lock (Jihva Bandha)

3. Asana
A Bliss Pose (Ananda Asana)
A Cuckoo Pose (Sarika Asana)
A Deer Pose
A Eagle Pose (Garuda Asana)
A Eagle Pose, Variation (Garuda Asana)
A Half Moon Pose (Ardha Candra Asana)
A Hanuman Pose 1 (Hanuman Asana)
A Happy Baby Pose (Pavana Mukta Asana)
A Head-to-Knee Pose (Janu Shirsa Asana)
A Hero/Warrior Pose 1-2 (Vira Asana/Virabhadra Asana 1-2)
A Heron Pose, Facilitated (Ardha Krunca Asana)
A Intense Pose (Uttana Asana)
A Mountain Pose, Arms Variation (Tada Asana)
A One-Legged Cross
A Pyramid
A Suspended Pose
A Tiptoe Pose (Utkata Asana)
A Tree Pose and Variations
A Wide Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Pada Uttana Asana)

4. Pranayama
P Dusting the Shoulders
P Horizontal Scale
P Pendulum
P Ski Breath
P Squared Breathing (Samavritti Pranayama)

5. Relaxation, meditations and visualizations connected with Muladhara Chakra
DD Deep relaxation in relation to the energy of the Muladhara Chakra
DD Descending though the colours: practice of rooting in a standing and sitting position
DD Breathing through the base
DD Meditation on the mountain, a symbol of stability and possibility of elevation
DD Meditation with the Mudras with joined hands, sequences 1-2

6. Anatomy
Osteo-muscular system, mobility and safety of spinal column, foot and ankle.
Introduction to the anatomy of the pelvis.

7. Philosophy
Pre-Vedic India: the Harappan civilization.
The Vedas: Vedic ritualism, sacrifice as the generating principle of the universe, myths of creation.
The passage from the Vedas to the Upanishads: the evolution of the concepts of karma, death and rebirth; the internalization of sacrifice and the new philosophical monism.

8. Chakra
Muladhara Chakra, complete overview.

9. Methodology, ethics, psychology, and pedagogy
Role and duties of a Yoga teacher. Definition of the professional figure and deontology.


1. Preparatory Exercises
PE Increasing Mobility of the Lower Limbs: Seated
EP Pelvis: Anterior and Posterior Tilts
EP Piriformis Muscle: Stretching
PE Wide-Legged Stretch

2. Shatkarman, Bandha e Mudra
SBM Gesture of the Nose (Nasagra Mudra)
SBM Tongue Cleaning (Jihva Shodhana)

3. Asana
A Boat Pose 1 (Nava Asana 1)
A Bridge Pose (Setubandha Asana)
A Cat Pose (Majari Asana)
A Cobra Pose 1 (Bhujanga Asana 1)
A Cross Bar Pose (Parigha Asana)
A Elephant Pose with Crossed Legs (Gaja Asana variazione)
A Half Lotus Pose (Ardha Padma Asana)
A Hanuman Pose 2 (Hanuman Asana)
A Intense Side Stretch 1 and 2 (Parshva Uttana Asana)
A Locust Pose, Facilitated (Ardha Shalabha Asana)
A Locust Pose 1 and 2 (Shalabha Asana)
A Lord of the Fish Pose 1 (Matsyendra Asana 1)
A Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar)
A Oyster Pose (Hastapada Baddha Asana)
A Prana – Apana Rebalance (Prana Apana Asana)
A Prosperity Pose (Bhadra Asana)
A Seated Forward Bend (Paschima Uttana Asana)
A Triangle Pose (Trikona Asana)
A Wide-angle Seated Forward Bend (Upavistha Kona Asana)

4. Pranayama
P Balanced Breathing
P Cooling Breath (Sitali Kumbhaka Pranayama)
P Double Circle with the Arms
P Double Spiral
P Cobra Gesture (Bhujanghini Mudra)
P Locomotive
P Purification of the Nadi, without Retention (Nadi Shodan Pranayama)
P Rolling
P Vertical Scale, with and without Retention

5. Relaxation, meditations and visualizations connected with Svadisthana Chakra
DD Deep relaxation in relation to the energy of the Svadhisthana Chakra
DD Meditation on polarity through the breath
DD Meditation with the Mudras with joined hands, sequence 3

6. Anatomy
Osteo-muscular system, mobility and safety of knee and pelvis
Urogenital system
Lymphatic system

7. Philosophy
Introduction to Buddhism
The Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita

8. Chakra
Svadhisthana Chakra, complete overview.

9. Methodology, ethics, psychology, and pedagogy
Safety and Yoga, first part: elements of general evaluation.


1. Preparatory Exercises
PE Diaphragm, Manual Decontraction
PE Gliding Like a Canoe
PE Iliac and Lumbosacral Region: Stretching
PE Torso: Supine Rotations

2. Shatkarman, Bandha e Mudra
SBM Gesture (of the Movement) of the Earth (Bhucari Mudra) + Yoga for the Eyes
SBM Gesture of the Pond (Tadagi Mudra)
SBM Purification with Fire (Agnisara Kriya)
SBM Purifying the Cranium (Kapalabhati Shatkarman)

3. Asana
A Archer Pose
A Boat Pose 2 (Nava Asana 2)
A Bow Pose (Dhanur Asana)
A Eastern Intense Stretch 2 (Parivritta Purvottana Asana)
A Head-to-Knee Pose, Supine (Janu Shirsha Asana)
A Legs at Right Angle
A Meru Mountain Pose (Meru Asana) + Variations
A Meru Mountain Pose with Rotation (Vakra Meru Asana)
A Plank Pose (Utthita Chaturanga Danda Asana)
A Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangustha Asana)
A Rotated Abdomen Pose (Jathara Parivritta Asana) + Dynamic Movements
A Rotated Triangle Pose (Parivritta Trikona Asana)
A Spinal Column Pose (Meru Danda Asana)
A Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
A Tiger Pose (Vyagra Asana)
A Wind Liberating Pose (Pavana Mukta Asana variazione)

4. Pranayama
P Breathing with Prolonged Exhalation
P Fast Abdominal Breathing (with Mula Bandha)
P Fishing Rod
P Purifying the Cranium (Kapalabhati Pranayama)
P Rotating the Arms
P Strengthening the Diaphragm

5. Relaxation, meditations and visualizations connected with Manipura Chakra
DD Deep relaxation in relation to the energy of the Manipura Chakra
DD Meditation: the smile of the Buddha
DD Meditation: the transparency of the ego
DD Meditation with the Mudras with joined hands, sequences 4-5

6. Anatomy
The lumbar spine: specifications on structure and mobility.
The digestive system.

7. Philosophy
The Samkhyan philosophy: the Samkhyakarika of Ishvarakrisna and the relations with subtle physiology and the Chakra system.
The Yogasutras of Patanjali.

8. Chakra
Manipura Chakra, complete overview.

9. Methodology, ethics, psychology, and pedagogy
The art of accompanying students during a class.
How to present a class: body attitude, voice, direction of the gaze, choice of information.


1. Preparatory Exercises
PE Increasing Mobility of the Spine, Supine
PE Shoulders: Protractions-Retractions
PE Shoulders, Increasing Mobility
PE Wrists, Hands and Fingers

2. Shatkarman, Bandha e Mudra
SBM Diaphragm Lock (Uddiyana Bandha)
SBM Swan Gesture (Hamsa Mudra)

3. Asana
A Camel Pose, Static and Dynamic (Ustra Asana)
A Cobra Pose 2 (Bhujanga Asana 2)
A Cobra Pose 2, Suspended and Rotated
A Cow Face Pose (Gomukha Asana)
A Eastern Intense Stretch 1 (Purva Uttana Asana)
A Extended Side Angle Pose (Parshva Kona Asana)
A Extended Triangle Pose (Parshva Trikona Asana)
A Lateral Cross Bar Pose (Parshva Parigha Asana)
A Pose Dedicated to the Goddess Parvati (Parvati Asana)
A Raised Bridge Pose (Uttana Setubandha Asana)
A Reverse Tabletop Pose, Dynamic (Ardha Purva Uttana Asana)
A Stick Pose (Danda Asana)
A Warrior Pose 3 (Virabhadra Asana)

4. Pranayama
P Bellows Breathing (Bhastrika Pranayama)
P Hug
P Rising and Setting Sun
P Singing OM (Pranava Mantra Pranayama)
P Victorious Breath, Seated and Supine (Ujjayi Pranayama)
Breathing Exercises with a Partner

5. Relaxation, meditations and visualizations connected with Anahata Chakra
DD Deep relaxation in relation to the energy of the Anahata Chakra
DD Meditation on the integration of the ego through love
DD Meditation with Ajapa Mantra So’Ham, the ‘wordless’, the Mantra of breath
DD Meditation with the Mudras with joined hands, sequences 6-7

6. Anatomy
The rib cage and the spinal column: specifications on structure and mobility.
The respiratory system.
The immune system.
The circulatory system.

7. Philosophy
Practice and yogic theory in the Upanishads (Vedanta): the heart as a center, the theory of the states of consciousness, the vital breaths.

8. Chakra
Anahata Chakra, general overview.

9. Methodology, ethics, psychology, and pedagogy
The art of sequencing: how to organize a sequence for a collective session.


1. Preparatory Exercises
PE Jaw: Increasing Mobility
PE Shoulders, Complete Practice
PE Strengthening the Neck

2. Shatkarman, Bandha e Mudra
SBM Sky Gesture (Nabho Mudra)
SBM Sky Roaming Seal (Khecari Mudra)
SBM Throat Lock (Jalandhara Bandha)

3. Asana
A Balance Wheel
A Elephant Pose, Arms Variation (Gaja Asana)
A Half Fish Pose (Ardha Matsya Asana)
A Lion Pose (Simha Asana)
A Lord of the Fish Pose 2 and 3 (Matsyendra Asana)
A Plough Pose (Hala Asana)
A Pose Dedicated to the Goddess Durga (Durga Asana)
A Pose Dedicated to the Sage Vasistha (Vasistha Asana)
A Precarious Pose
A Reverse Thunderbolt Pose (Supta Vajra Asana)
A Rotated Head-to-Knee Pose (Parivritta Janu Shirsa Asana)
A Shoulder Stand, Facilitated and Dynamic (Sarvanga Asana)

4. Pranayama
P Apical Activation
P From Shoulder to Shoulder
P Head Up, Head Down
P Humming Bee (Bhramari Pranayama)
P Piston
P Purifying Breathing
P Rotating the Head

5. Relaxation, meditations and visualizations connected with Vishuddha Chakra
DD Deep relaxation in relation to the energy of the Vishuddha Chakra
DD Meditation with the bija mantras
DD Meditation: the silence of the mind
DD Meditation with the Mudras with joined hands, sequence 8

6. Anatomy
Osteo-muscular system, mobility and safety of the upper limbs.
The cervical spine: specifications on structure and mobility.

7. Philosophy
Tantra: birth and evolution of the concepts of Kundalini, Chakra, Mandala, Mudra.

8. Chakra
Vishuddha Chakra, general overview.

9. Methodology, ethics, psychology, and pedagogy
Safety and Yoga, second part: specific assessment elements, the medical history form and exercises form.


1. Preparatory Exercises
PE Neck, Atlanto-Occipital Joint

2. Shatkarman, Bandha e Mudra
SBM Gesture of Creation (Brahmaprana Mudra)
SBM Gesture of the Triple Lock (Tribandha Mudra)
SBM Gesture of Vishnu (Vishnu Mudra)
SBM Gesture that Seals the Six Gates of Perception (Sanmukhi Mudra)
SBM Purification of the Gaze and Mind (Trataka Shatkarman)

3. Asana
A Balancing Scale Pose, in Lotus (Padma Tolangula Asana)
A Fish Pose, in Lotus (Padma Matsya Asana)
A Guru Salutation (Guru Namaskar)
A Lotus Pose (Padma Asana)
A Meru Mountain Pose, one Hand one Foot (Meru Asana)
A On the Skull (Kapala Asana)
A Revolved Lotus Pose (Parivritta Padma Asana)
A Shoulder Stand (Uttana Sarvanga Asana) + Transition to Bridge Pose
A Tripod Pose (Tripada Asana)

4. Pranayama
P Breathing with the Meditation Gesture (Dhyana Mudra Pranayama)
P Fountain
P Interrupted Breathing (Viloma Pranayama)
P Purification of the Nadi with Retention (Nadi Shodan Kumbhaka Pranayama)
P Sun-Piercing and Moon-Piercing Breath (Surya and Chandra Bhedana Pranayama)

5. Relaxation, meditations and visualizations connected with Ajna Chakra
DD Deep relaxation in relation to the energy of the Ajna Chakra
DD Concentration on a point
DD Awareness of the emptiness of the mind or mental silence
DD Concentration on a quality or a feeling of satisfaction and gratitude, in synergy with the breath
DD Meditation of the OM on the third eye
DD Meditation with the Mudras with joined hands, sequence 9 (conclusion)

6. Anatomy
The nervous system.
The pituitary gland.

7. Philosophy
The origins of Hatha Yoga and the synthesis of asceticism and tantrism.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

8. Chakra
Ajna Chakra, complete overview.

9. Methodology, ethics, psychology, and pedagogy
Presentation of a collective class, direct experiences.
The art of accompanying the students during a lesson: corrective indications through voice, demonstration, and touch.


1. Shatkarman, Bandha e Mudra
SBM Gesture of the Breath or Ultimate Enlightenment (Uttarabodhi Mudra)
SBM Gesture of Shambhu (Shambhavi Mudra)
SBM Peacock Gesture (Mayura Mudra)

2. Asana
A Accomplished Pose (Siddha Asana)
A Crane Pose (Baka Asana)
A Headstand (Shirsa Asana)
A Lion Pose in Lotus (Padma Simha Asana)
A Standing Split (Urdhwa Eka Pada Asana)
A Yoga Seal Pose (Yoga Mudra Asana)
Refinement of the Meditation Posture

3. Pranayama
P Breathing with Ratio 1:4:2 (Sahita Kumbhaka Pranayama)
P Circular Breathing
P Spontaneous Retention (Kevala Kumbhaka)

4. Relaxation, meditations and visualizations connected with Sahasrara Chakra
DD Meditation of the lotus flower
DD Meditation on the Chakras
DD Meditation with the Mudras with joined hands, complete
DD Yoga Nidra, complete

5. Anatomy
The endocrine system and the relationship with the Chakras

8. Philosophy
The Upanishads of Yoga, synthesis of Vedanta and Hatha yoga.
Late Medieval and Modern Yoga Developments.
Gurus of Modern Yoga

7. Chakra
Sahasrara chakra, complete overview.